Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 4

Wake up call at 7. Nurse check slightly delayed due to other patient with the same thought. Beeline to the dining room. I couldn't wait for breakfast. This time there was a fresh lavender arrangement on the table. Coffee? Yes! I say "mas, mas, mas" as they about to curtail the stream of coffee into my china cup. I get a look but they comply. There is a two cup limit so I maximize the pour in the cup - and the wait staff is on to me. I am looking forward to panne. Out come a little stack of 4 crackers. This must be the warm up. I ask them if this is all of breakfast - yes, and my face falls in disbelief. The waiter asks what's wrong and I tell him that I love the bread and fruit and that I it is my favorite meal of the entire day. No problem - the crackers are whisked away and whole wheat bread and 1/4 of a papaya are delivered. I need something in my stomach for the one hour walk that is ahead of me. I visited the nurse as we are asked to do before breakfast to report on our digestion, sleep and she takes blood pressure. Today was weigh in - I lost 1.3 lbs so far.

The group walk is good - I talk to man who is here with his father - we are so busy chatting -that we quickly become the last 2 out of the group. But I did work up a sweat. We walked by lovely houses, hotels and a lake. The influence in Gramado is German and Italian and you can easily see the influence in the architecture - very Bavarian, Alpine-ish and there are lots of Italian restarurants - wouldn't I like to try one! We did the cold Kneipp walk - after which felt good on hot sweaty feet.

Next I was scheduled for a water class but since I was running late from the walk - Pass. I did the treadmill for 30 minutes. Then on to fango and another Kneipp bath for circulation improvement.

Lunch was good. I had a lovely conversation with a woman who had come here half dozen times but the more interesting conversation was with an attorney who came to relieve his stress. He is going through all sorts of customized treatments, cognitive therapy, smoking cessation, weight loss - the works.

The best part of my day was the private driver they had arranged to take me out this afternoon. First to the "zoologica" which is dedicated to the plants and animals of Brazil only. They also are a rescue center - they do not buy or catch the animals. I thought this was a wonderful concept and although small, very well executed with natural habitat and good planning of paths and pens. Lots of exotic birds - toucans, etc and 3 different kind of monkeys - one was the size of my cat with the smallest human looking face and bright yellow fur on his legs. Another kind were black with very long, thin limbs and it was fascinating to see how they swing and move and use their tail - another kind were small brownish ones and there was a mama with her newborn baby. Of course my favorite were the cats - that were enclosed but they came right up to the glass and one was very curious and I got some great pictures. Snakes - big anaconda - with a big head and beady eyes. After that - I was taken to "Mini Mundo" which is a place of miniature recreations of airports, churches etc.

The driver was very nice but didn't speak a word of English, Spanish, German or French - not that I speak German or French but I asked in Speckenzie Deutch and Parlie vous Francaise - no. So communication was very creative. I called upon my very limited Spanish, Italian and lot of gestures and facial expressions which seemed to do just fine for the most part. He mentioned canela - which I thought was the word for water fall - turns out it is the town of Canela. Canela also means cinnamon. There was a very pretty Catherdral the driver wanted me to see.... And THEN, got to see an impressive cascading waterfall from a look out tower which was very cool and we walked down a ways where there were 971 stairs if you wanted to get to the bottom and look up. My guide told me he did it once in his life. 971 down. 971 up.

I was very interested in stopping at a chocolate shop since Gramado is very famous for its chocolates. I was all to happy to be offered a sample or three. On to the center of town - I thought and I kept asking for a geleteria or pasticerria and I thought he understood but I guess not. We returned to Kurotel and I didn't have the heart to ask for a translation and make him drive back to town. I would have liked to have gone shopping but I had a doctor's appointment and sauna waiting for me...and since Kurotel upgraded me to a private suite in a private wing with its own hospitality area - yes your read that right...I didn't want to stand the doctor up or do anything that might be considered the least bit ingrateful or rude. I had to unpack all my things - which took 30 minutes, then off to sauna, the doctor who suggested I take velarium every night to sleep better and then back to my room to change for dinner and after dinner -

yes our little group went off in private cars to 1 of 4 glass factories in all of Brazil. Very nice work. Kurotel had secured a translator especially for me (everyone else is Brazilian) so I could understand the glass making process which i thought could not have been more gracious. The attentinon to detail has been amazing here. I was asked to help with the demonstration of blowing glass and blew into a long pipe. Later the translator told me that owner was going to give me the piece I helped make. Now isn't that impressive? I could really get used to this!

and here I am. i was welcomed home with a fruit snack and my schedule for tomorrow.
